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Training Pakcages 

If you are looking for a training plan for a certain time frame or a specific training period, you might find our training packages interesting!


Below are our current training packages based on individual training planning and INSCYD testing. 


All packages will emphasize a highly personal training process.

12 weeks base training package

The 12 week base training package is for the cyclist, mountainbiker or gravel rider, who wants to make sure that the base training is done properly and aligned with personal goals for the coming season.


Besides individual training planning the package includes two INSCYD tests, to make sure training is planned according to physical strengths and weaknesses and desired outcome of the training process. 


Outline and pricing

  • 12 week base training package

    12 weeks individual training planning including 2 INSCYD PPD tests.
    Valid for 3 months
    • 12 weeks individual training plan in Training Peaks
    • Online start up consultation
    • Online meeting every 4 weeks
    • Training plan update and adjustment every 4 weeks
    • Review and analysis of training data
    • Free support on training related questions and issues
    • 2 INSCYD PPD Test to asses training progress
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